Rd Supekar Computer Science.pdf
In this post, we'll introduce you to the world of computer science as a career. Jut read on to learn why it might be a good match for you and how to choose the right major! There are many reasons why it can be beneficial for someone to learn about computer science as a career. Firstly, there is a growing demand for these skills in various careers. Secondly, it can be very lucrative with a six figure salary or better achievable by those who specialize in specific fields. Finally, there is an increasing need for people who specialize in certain types of programming languages like Java or Javascript As demand grows in these fields, more opportunities will become available for people with this kind of expertise. So, if you are passionate about learning about computer science as a career, let's begin with some important concepts which you should understand first.
Scientists are trained to be curious and want to learn more on the subject at hand. Computer Scientists, on the other hand, are often driven by their passion to make things work or create something new. The difference between these two types of people is largely shaped by the way they form their curiosity and approach their subjects. There are several approaches to understanding a problem that can be followed depending on one's personality type. Both scientists and computer scientists have the same goal-to find solutions to problems through research which led them to enjoy their respective careers. These two disciplines are quite popular in the world today, one being more focused on computers and the other more focused on the world around us. Both fields have specific rules to follow when conducting research. Scientists are trained to be meticulous with their results so they can achieve repeatable results and demonstrate their findings based on facts while not making big assumptions based on what they see while doing their research. This does not mean scientists do not make any assumptions but rather that they make sure these assumptions will not affect the outcomes and overall test validity. They make sure to include all possible variables and factors when conducting research experiments, thus making them very analytical types who enjoy delving into the essence of a problem. Computer scientists, on the other hand, are more comfortable making assumptions which they then test based on their current understanding of the topic. They do not have a problem with being wrong or changing their minds when presented with new facts. For them, trial and error is an acceptable approach when solving problems. In fact, they prefer getting things done even if it has a few bugs since bugs can be fixed later in the process when necessary. Scientists must take time to gather all relevant data when conducting research to properly understand a problem and arrive at a possible solution. They are prepared for trial and error by doing a lot of trial runs to test their hypotheses without hurting the results. Computer Scientists, on the other hand, are more comfortable with iteration or iteration cycles where they can always come back to the same process after making some changes based on new information. Many times, computer scientists focus on building systems which allows them to test their hypotheses quickly so errors are not easily made. Scientists are meticulous with sub-tasks of any given problem since they can lead to obtaining very different results from sub-tasks done in separate steps which might have been taken if done together in one step.
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